Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This is a new blog attempting to begin dialogues that over time will lead to an increasingly accurate understanding of God, His true nature and His plans for everything in His creation.  If you don’t believe in the Christian God and His reality, then this blog will hold little value for you, unless you really want to settle your mind over the issue of God’s role between you and me and the Christmas tree.
It’s not the purpose of this blog to proselytize our readers. Instead, it is our aim to demonstrate and teach that the Christian Worldview is both an intellectually and morally superior alternative to the tired dogmas of secularism. As true believers we are tied forever to the  Creator of everything in the universe and the too-many–to- count galaxies and still exciting undiscovered systems not yet visible, waiting to be found. Think of it, surely there must be new types of nearly invisible atoms, neutrons, electrons or other tiny particle-sized, yet powerful, elements to which God has not yet led us to discover.
When we begin to know God, our Maker, one of the subtle, or lesser realized benefits, of a growing relationship with God is that we begin to sense His daily presence. At this point in our relationship we begin to know His nature, as one that provides us constantly emerging wonders about our life the equally wonder-filled life He is making possible for our future.
When we begin to know His nature, the childlike wonders God has for us are never lost, never disappear because they are always with us. Truly we begin seeing His world more as He does. We begin seeing His universes from a softer, less cluttered, more purposeful perspective.
Since God is universally understood by believing Christians as the genuine personification of love, a softer, caring, concerned, God should be the kind of friend we expect and wish deeply to know. Countless Scriptures God has made available to us tell how we can know Him. His blessings and His Spirit are with us always! Start every morning knowing surely He cares for you every minute. Write down this word from Him…He said, “I will never leave you or forsake you”. (Heb. 13:5) He has much more, even greater things, to tell you about the joyous life with Him….He will answer more soon about His hopes for your relationship, so stay available for him as He wants very much to tell you next what gifts you’ve been missing each day.
Being God, He is after all a people person first. Praise Him for that!
Bless you richly!!