Thursday, September 22, 2011

Every day, every year, each of us is making decisions that often dictate what we should do, or where we should go, at a critical life-point requiring our next decisive steps in life(e.g. should  I change jobs, undergo recommended chemotherapy, do the medical operation?).  Looking from the high plateaus at today’s shaken world view, doesn’t help us reach the peace-giving decisions we long for.  You see, our problem is not so much the high plateau we are looking from, but rather, we are looking to walk through our life surrounded by a field of hidden, buried, scary, landmines into which we are born.  When we know God, we recognize His enemies, too, so we know the Devil is the master of the planet's roads, leading to deception and lies. To see the Right Roads leading instead to  a lush , peaceful oasis where life is finally boiled down to a peaceful snooze in your favorite hammock anchored to your leafy, fruit- laden pear tree waiting to plop a juicy, sweet fruit  on to your lap, usually requires some trusting help.  Finding escape out of the mine field requires a different view.  In fact, our escape still requires a world view but one not surrounded by landmines – a view from a higher plateau than the one in which we’re born into.

I can look for a clear, unobstructed view when God is providing the "escape map" out of the mine field; God's map is never wrong for those who know HIM. It takes time to fully realize that HE and His eyes are always there in the minefield with you. You are never alone, HE tells you that in His Bible ( Hebrews 13:5, Joshua 1:9) but eventually, He and His Spirit become part of you and inside you, re-making your heart.  His presence is strong like the sinew binding your body parts together.  In such a way His compass becomes your compass.  It’s then His plateau becomes your plateau.  I call this view God’s Plateau.  From that view there is only peace and joy-never fear of hidden mines.  Don’t we all want that view to get out of the hidden dangers in the minefield?  God's Plateau is the best way, everyday.  GO THERE WHEN YOU NEED THE RIGHT MAP!