Saturday, June 11, 2011

My original blog in May was attempting to encourage believing Christian readers to develop an intimate relationship with their Creator-God who wants a close, daily, conversation with all His kids, wherever they are.  Although He is a spirit, and so pure He can’t even look at evil, but He only sees His children through His eyes of love.  Scripture teaches that God is love: (1 John 4:8 ) when we think of what the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans, teaching “If God be for us, who can be against us”? (Romans 8:31).  Living in our fallen world, surrounded by people whose lives are controlled by those who don’t know the Christian God as the genuine Creator of them and their star-filled universe, and our perfectly beautiful, planet, the idea of a powerful being who is for me, has a lot of appeal. – not that I’m more special or lovable, than any other person.  To the God who experts agree is the personification of Love , nothing or no one surpasses his thinking of what real love is, the essence, or value of being selfless is truly & fully understood only by God Himself. When we talk to Him we get an inner revelation about His true nature, which is why He gave us the Bible in the first place.-- to know Him.
As we commune daily with Him, some of what He is will begin to show us true love at work. Most of us want to believe His words in scripture when He says I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  (Heb. 13:5)
Now that sounds like the Father all of us want. What is more astounding is shown to us in Romans  9: 9 where we learn nothing of any kind can ever separate us from the love of God. That’s my kind of love. I guess we would call that kind of love truly eternal!
You may ask: “I’ve been disobeying God as a grown-up person. Why should He want to talk to me?
Many of our impressions about God result from wrong teachings from the past when persons had no ability to study current, up-to-date interpretations from scholars, and this caused misunderstood  doctrines that were continuously passed between generations. The following example illustrates this point:
Nearly all of Christian religion teaches that our continuing relationship with the Lord depends on our performance. That’s not true Christianity.  When you study or read scripture, (2 Corinthians 5:19) you learn that God no longer imputes sin to us, because of Christ.  God’s love is unconditional, not proportional to your performance. Check it out, and discover you’ve been set free from religious bondage! You are free, indeed!
Talk with God, your spiritual Father,
And be blessed,
Dan Kreutz

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