Friday, August 19, 2011

Did you ever think about how God communicates to us in this modern high tech communications era without a cell phone?  Today many God-loving Christians need their cell phone all-day, every day in order to communicate within their social, business and family network. The answer to this question seems important, especially to those of us who from time to time pray to God asking for His help, or for answers we need from Him. Certainly, God created the biggest and broadest communications broadband in the universe. Our cell phone is simply a device that enables us to enter His broadband. God’s problem is we don’t seem to understand that God is communicating all the time, day and night.
It’s clear God doesn’t need any device because He is in his broadband spectrum, all the time.
When we pray, He immediately hears our prayer and immediately issues His answer. Many times we pray in our cars while driving to work in busy traffic. Our car radio could be loudly playing the latest news and our favorite music while our attention is focused on driving as we talk to God.  This scenario explains much about why we feel and often claim, God doesn’t answer us. The truth is we sincerely prayed, but didn’t wait to listen for His answer. God answers me and every believer through His Spirit. If you will get quiet you will hear the Spirit of God’s voice, often called a still small voice, in your heart, or called the inward witness. Be sure what you hear agrees with God’s Word, since everything from the Spirit always agrees with GOD’S Word. God’s Word is a seed containing all His answers. Knowing the Word can keep us out of trouble when we are hearing His Spirit. We need to study God’s WORD to know what’s true and the real truth as He believes.
The Bible scripture, John 16:13, explains how God’s Spirit who lives inside all believing Christians, brings help to us. ”Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth:  for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.”
Sometimes the clearest answer is simply a sense of peace just when you need it most.  In this sense we should expect God’s answers because “We’ve been given all things, which includes the promise of the fruits of the Spirit found in Galatians 6:22 (joy, peace, long, suffering, gentleness, faith).   Always remember that there are communication signals floating in us, around us, everywhere, but we can’t see them.  God is in them. When we need them all we do is click a receiver e.g. (radio, TV) “on” and they, like our prayers to God, are actively ready to work for us. Take time after you seek God. Don’t forget He has made you a precious member of His family. Listen closely for His Spirit, and thank Him for your unbreakable family connection. Ask His Spirit to speak to your heart. As a believer, God is always present for you and with you. He said, ”I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU OR FORSAKE YOU.”  Hebrews 13:5

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